We Must Make Suprem Authority of India ACCOUNTABLE for Administrative Issue. 6
I Agree

What a coincidence within this statement of “Explicit Empowerment for the POST of prestige to deal with current Surplice System. Rather than having this “PRATHIBHA” just for name sake in the system” “PRATHIBHA” here doesn’t reefers to our earlier President Smt. Prathibha Patil, But it points and refers to the DIGNITY for the POST of PRESIDENT of the Nation which she carried early, we feel action need to be taken over right here at this level and appropriate step taken now will solve all the future and current problem of surveillance and will bring transparency in the system which is need of NATION.

The other main purpose to highlight the point now is the statement of respected Adv. Ramjehtmanali & Team Anna (IAC) & P Sangama Ji, who have openly criticized Candidate for the post of President of India and during the pre election and even post election. Majority of leading Political Parties have failed to keep sacredness of presidential election, more over it have even become the victim of high profile ego and tactics of shadowing there power on governing the system rather than keeping it Neutral & Sacred.

NOTE : What we are proposing this today Is also because, this is one of the major point of SENTINEL SYSTEM where consensus is required of every individual and where we demand some special explicit power to be given to PRESIDENT. This is one of the key point among the six point of Sentinel System which is designed to demand A Complete CHANGE in system and which indeed will curb corruption in India.

Kindly read what is point of discussion mentioned in below section or listen to this video check this presentation link and then read below carefully and then give your verdict by participating in discussion / comment section.


Know What is Sentinel System

We feel it high time that the POST of PRESIDENTIAL Election also need to be declared by the people of India directly and we take away the right of electing president also in our hands. (CHECK THIS VIDEO FILE TOO)

Today corruption in Governance have bought lack of faith in system, accountability and responsibility on politician and top bureaucrats is major concern and have arise just and only and only because there IS NO INDEPENDENT surveillance in the system on these people representative.  Which is current NEED of today India to have SENTINEL SYSTEM

While considering this should be into place as it sounds good... Don’t you feel the only option to make this possible is Post of President. Which itself is made accountable with explicit power of governing the elected, Just like how (Election Commission) is autonomous and independent body and is under the preview of President of India which will and can easily takes care of our biggest concerns of surveillance on our administrative bureaucrats and elected representative.

This surveillance can be easily be made by medium of JAN LOKPAL. (Here JAN LOKPAL does not means Lokpal Bill which is passed in parliament as of date. JAN LOKPAL refers to stricter version for which nation stood up which was led by IAC & Team)

What we have majorly learned is stricter version of JAN LOKPAL is not into place is just because of NDA & UPA both are not comfortable with the stricter version of JAN LOKPAL for some reason, which majorly compromises of Prime Minister Under the preview of JAN LOKPAL, CBI to be made completely  Independent & also some parliamentary feel degraded that non elected person to govern them and does not feel safe enough to carryon with this kind of system.

Hence, Why not this governance right is been given to President through medium of JAN LOKPA. Where President will act as peoples representative and JAN LOKPAL as a official person who will act for President of India and will have surveillance power. And we demand strict version of JAN LOKPAL only....! President here will not only safe guard our interest of surveillance but will also understand and safe guard the interest of our parliamentary representatives.

We are sure you all have understood what it means and many of you might have even thought for this too..... So lets discuss on this point...

Now.... Assuming that JAN LOKPAL level of Lokpal is under the direct preview of PRESIDENT of India. Here it Is....  also obvious that Political Parties will then play their games to grab this post of Presidential power too which this post will have, But to tackle this and resolve such possibilities and make it transparent and avoid any “If & But”. Here, We must ensure that people of the nation directly elect the president.

Hence.. We (Our Team) feel this is only the correct step where we should demand and provide explicit power for post of President and equally demand stricter version of JAN LOKPAL only, and point for discussion is WHY not we elect our PRESIDENT ITSELF

If at all there is other things which any one of you may have or have some points which we fail to see than lets kindly discuss and arrive on the some conclusion. Any If you Feel we are right than do support us and help to share this with all whom you know by acknowledging it on discussion forum.

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